Saturday, January 18, 2014

Getting...and in the New Year

Have you started your January off on the right foot? 

Have you started a new exercise regime or continued with a routine from before? There was a very timely article on the Balance Your 7 website called 10 tips to restart your exercise habit and keep it going.

The gym is now packed with all sorts of New Year's resolution goers. I give everyone credit for getting out and getting active. 

Maybe the gym is not your thing. Try snowshoeing--one look outside and you can see that we have more than enough snow! Or skiing, cross country or downhill. Maybe walking in the mall or another building that would allow that. I know my mom and her friend walk every single morning in their neighborhood, but they head indoors when the weather doesn't allow. 

I've found that I need new motivation when trying to run that extra mile. I've started to download podcasts and books on cd to push me that extra step. I know I'm capable of going further physically, it's the mental challenge that I need to overcome. I try to keep my mind anywhere but focusing on the distance I have yet to go! That's why exercising with a friend is so wonderful! When given the opportunity it's so refreshing to workout side by side and suffer together! A partner keeps us in check and motivates us to push ourselves.

However you choose to start the year, try a new class or a new form of exercise. You won't regret it, and your body and overall well-being will thank you!

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