Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spring! Maybe?

Well, it's officially spring, at least according to the calendar!

Every time I decide to put away the winter coats and boots, I think better of it!

There are mounds of snow still lingering around. Who am I fooling?

I think our 80 degree March temperatures from last year were a tease, and we are experiencing just a "normal" winter/spring season. Yea for all those farmers out there! But I'm ready. My sweaters don't hold any more appeal. They are tired too and ready to snuggle on the shelf until next fall. My toes are ready to ditch the socks and show their faces again, with a fun new coat of polish! My daughter noticed the daffodil buds struggling to push through the cold ground and strut their bright color! The robins are all back and the birds are singing or maybe they are shivering so loudly it sounds like singing! There are signs of spring, I think we are just having to look a bit harder this year to find them.

My son has his first outdoor soccer game this week. I'll be sending him in a jacket, hat and mittens! Better run extra fast to keep warm!

But isn't that the beauty of weather in Wisconsin? We get winter one minute and summer the next? I guess it helps us appreciate each and every season while we have it. I think I could have stood to appreciate winter a bit less this year! So while my shorts haven't quite made their appearance, my sweaters have earned their break and are resting comfortably until fall.

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