Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Time is a strange creature. 

When you are young, you have all the time in the world. Just watch a kid stroll home from after school, not a care in the world, unaware of time. Summers used to feel like they stretched on endlessly, one hot afternoon after another, until, like magic, it was time to go back to school. 

You probably heard the saying a time or two as you got older how "time flies." Maybe it means time moves faster as you age. Well suddenly I'm that person and time seems to be melting away. I felt like I had all the time in the world, my kids would stay young, I would forever be far from "middle aged" and life was just ducky. 

Now I face the prospect that I have a child nearing the end of his time at grade school, and having to wear deodorant! My first babe now has feet the same size as mine and soon will surpass me in height. And if he ever ate veggies that would be sooner rather than later! I'm no longer looking forward to my thirties, they too will soon be a thing of the past. Thank God that 50 is the new 40! Ha. 

And time this summer, where oh where has it gone? June was all but a blur and then we welcomed another Fourth of July and oohed and ahhhed at yet another fireworks show. I'm still in denial that we are past the middle of the summer season. Heck, I just started wearing shorts like, last week! So Time, please oh please slow down just a little bit. 

Let us enjoy the brightness of a fresh-bloomed flower and the chirp of a baby bird. I want to ride on a roller coaster until I'm dizzy with laughter and eat a fresh ear of corn dripping with butter. My kids need to stay young and innocent just a bit longer, because this far from "middle-aged" mom needs them to! I'm not quite ready to talk about the remember whens, and the used to be's just yet. I want to embrace the now and soak up every moment before it too is gone.

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