Monday, March 18, 2013

Book club is about more than reading books!

Well, our book club has just celebrated it's one-year anniversary. 

We've read some wonderful, must-read books like The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom. They inspired us and ignited some fantastic, lively conversation. We've also read some real duds, like the second book by Anthony Bourdain called Medium Raw. Also a bomb for our group was How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran, who was claimed to be the British Tina Fey, a claim I wholeheartedly disagree with! However, as much as we did not enjoy the book itself, the bad reads brought about some great conversation, specifically related to women and women's rights, something us six ladies could relate to!

Our latest read, Wild by Cheryl Strayed, was great for most of us. It is a true story about a woman who loses her mother to cancer, how her world starts to fall apart, so she decides to hike the Pacific Coast Trail, the PCT, alone. Two of my fellow book club members have lost parents to cancer. They had a much harder time getting through the book and could very closely relate to the experience the author wrote about. We had such a good talk, that we may start our next get together still discussing this book! It's been fun to see how each of us interprets each of the reads in our own way. Like for the book Wild, some of us thought of it as a foolish adventure, and others saw it as a cathartic healing journey. It was probably a bit of both, but either way it's worth the read!

We've chosen My Name is Memory, by Ann Brashares, for our next meeting, and after that it's onto Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov. We sometimes choose books with strong feminine characters, and sometimes it's just the opposite. Whether a great page-turning novel, or a dud of a book, I always enjoy the time we spend together. Our discussions aren't always about the books we've read, they are more importantly about each other and what's been happening in each of our lives. This has proved very cathartic, and worth every dull page I may have had to read to get there.

Book club favorites

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