Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ode to Janis!

In my alternate life, I am a rockstar.

At least that's what I've been telling myself every Tuesday for the past month.

I channel my inner Janis Joplin and try my best to jam with Bill--my guitar teacher. Yes. I am trying, key word trying, to learn how to play guitar.

There is the old saying "the heart is willing" but my fingers are not cooperating the way I would like. So far, I'm on the fourth string, can sometimes play a C chord and can crank out an ok version of Ode to Joy.

Janis Joplin, I so am not. But I'm persisting. My respect for musicians has grown immensely. Then to watch them sing and play at the same time, wow! I do know it is possible to teach an old dog new tricks, I just know this old dog doesn't learn as fast as I would have as a kid. I'm not complaining though. It's been extremely exciting to try my hand at something I've always wanted to do. I can feel a part of my brain light up as I attempt to make my fingers play a G chord, without looking. My Yankee Doodle is almost recognizable. At a month in, never having read music before, I'll take it!

If you've ever wanted to try an instrument or new hobby, take it from me, don't wait! It really is a blast. Though my aspirations of playing lead guitar in a famous rock band have dwindled a tad, I'll always have Janis. Or at least her cds!

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