Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It's back-to-school shopping season!

Are you all set for the kids to go back to school? 

Have you purchased their supplies, double checking the list and making sure all of their number two pencils are sharp? 

 This year I am sending all three of my children off to school, the youngest for the first time! She will only attend three mornings a week, but it's a big step for all of us! I'll suddenly find I have a few extra quiet hours in my day, some extra time to devote to errands or other chores. I can hopefully volunteer a bit more in my kid's classrooms, or run an extra mile! The possibilities seem endless at this point, however I know the time will fill fast and furiously. 

 It is scary to shop for school supplies for three kids. I read that the average family spends over $600 getting kids set for this milestone! That is A LOT of number two pencils and crayons! We had a tradition growing up that my mom took my sister and I up to Minneapolis and we shopped for a day for a few special back-to-school outfits. We had a blast doing it, at least my sister and I did. I remember how excited I was to shop for brand new things, then carefully selecting what I would wear for the first day of school! 

 My son could really care less about what he wears, but my daughters are starting to form very strong opinions already! Jeans? No way! Buttons, forget it! So while this is a bit frustrating, it poses a challenge and one I am up to facing. So I'm almost done packing up the folders and markers, washing and organizing all of the clothes so the kids are all set. Now there is just enough time to savor the last few weeks of summer vacation before our new school year journey begins.

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