Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Paying it forward

I read a post on my Facebook page from a fellow mom blogger who took her three young sons to a Milwaukee Brewers baseball game. In front of her sat a young twenty-something man and his girlfriend. The lady told of how her sons were so excited, but did not exactly sit still. 

She said the man turned around and engaged her son during the game, running him down between innings to see the field, trying to snag a ball. He was delightful to her kids, and the mom was super grateful! 

At one point he promised that he would get her child a baseball. At the end of the game he took him down to the side to try to get a ball from the players and coaches, but they returned empty handed. She said her son started to look sad, when the man pulled a baseball out from behind his back and handed it to the little boy! He then whispered "I promised you a baseball, and I always keep my promises!" 

At some point during the game he had gone and purchased a baseball for her child! The mom went on to say that this was the highlight of the entire day for her young son. He talked about it non stop on the way home and even went to sleep hugging his baseball! 

 She sent this story out because she wanted to properly thank this young man, and to remind all of us that even a small act of kindness can make all the difference. He touched this family and through the story she told, it seems like he has brightened the lives of so many others! I loved reading this, and will try to remember that it doesn't take a big gesture, sometimes holding a door open for a stranger, or maybe plugging a meter that has run out for someone, can really say you care. And when we pay it forward, we all win in the end.

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