Monday, February 11, 2013

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow....

There aren't many things I can say I am wonderful at.

I can cook a meal, usually it's edible but it's generally not wonderful. I can run a few miles at a steady clip, but I'm no speed demon.

The one trait that I seem to be particularly good at is procrastinating.

It isn't something one strives to excel at, in fact, you would probably prefer not to have this in your repertoire of excellent traits. From a young child on, I have always tended to procrastinate. I put off today, and sometimes tomorrow, what I can do later. For instance today I have the never ending mound of laundry to do, lunch to make, a dog to walk, myself to get dressed, and I have accomplished none of these!

I work best under pressure, at least that's what I've always told myself! One semester in college I was taking eighteen credits, working twenty hours a week, completing an internship, and received the best grades of my college career. I think putting things off forces me to work in a timetable until the job is done, leaving no room to stop.

So while my day looms largely before me, I see oodles of time to do the things on my ever-growing list. I will accomplish everything, but instead of it being done at a time when I actually have the time to do it, I'll probably cram it all in this afternoon. My stress levels would probably decrease if I worked more efficiently, something my husband loves to remind me of!

I know there are many fellow procrastinators out there, raise your hand if you are one of them! Maybe someday I'll outgrow this, or heaven forbid, it will get worse! No matter, it is the way I am, so I'll have to work with it, whether it's today or maybe just a bit later.

1 comment:

  1. Don't put off tomorrow, what you can do today. Sound familiar?
