Saturday, February 9, 2013

Wet! Wet! And more wet!

If I had to pick a theme for my life from the past week I think I'd keep it simple and call it "WET."

From my constantly wet, dirty floors, to the damp snow pants, hats, mittens, etc.

We get the swim stuff from swimming lessons and swim team, to the constant sneezing happening with all three kids. Then there is the giant dog who resembles a 100-pound woolly mammoth with snowballs instead of paws. He likes to come in from outside and rub all the snow off onto the furniture, so not only are the floors wet, so is the sofa and all of the chairs too!


My vehicle is caked in yuck, both inside and out. I'm terrified to clean it, what's the point? I'd just have to wash and repeat again tomorrow! So to combat this, I've taken to looking the other way at my floors, until the end of the day when I can stand it no longer and Swiffer them until they gleam! The sneezing will eventually run its course, and except to totally shave my dog, he's going to continue to enjoy the snow and bring it in for all of us to enjoy too, in one form or another. And I say, "Van Schmann," it looks like everyone else's car right now anyway! That's why they call it spring cleaning right?

So I'll just turn on the fireplace and curl up with a hot cup of something, try to find a relatively dry spot on the couch, and roll with these wet winter punches.

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