Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What if...?

How do we end up in the lives we lead?

How was it that I ended up a stay-at-home mother of three?

Do you call it luck, fate, chance or a mix of all of the above? How different is the life you're leading from how you envisioned it as a youth? Are you achieving the goals or dreams you made as a teen or young adult?

My husband and I discussed this the other night. How we met, and why. We laugh at the college choices we made and how we would probably have gone elsewhere had we had a little something called the internet! There is a movie called Sliding Doors. Gweneth Paltrow is the main character. We get to see an alternate life to the life she leads, what could have been had she made other small choices. If I hadn't attended a house warming party one warm July night, I wouldn't have met my husband.

Who knows what choices we make today may change our tomorrows. It's certainly exciting to think about. In a perfect scenario we would live each day without regret, we can't predict the future anyway so we may as well accept it! But it's still fun to think about the "what ifs" sometimes!

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