Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sometimes the 'bugs' win!

There is never a good time to get sick, not for anyone at any age.

I have to say this is especially true for moms or dads who stay home with kids.

It's inevitable, and you know that when living with kids who are constantly exposed to germs, our time to fall will happen. My time arrived bright and early Monday morning, ugh, a Monday after the holiday, double ugh! I was struck with some sort of vile stomach bug. I promise to spare all details to the dear readers of this blog, only to say that I felt like a useless pile of ice.

Somehow you find some reserve of energy to get all the troops assembled for school, clothed, fed and out the door in time. I returned from the school drop off to promptly take up residence on the couch.

Now to entertain a two-and-a-half year-old.

Thank goodness for technology and Max and Ruby. I think we completed a marathon of cartoon watching and book reading. It's certainly no fun to be sick, not for anyone at anytime. I think I'm fishing for some sympathy. In reality I was very fortunate to be able to stay home and rest. Even better I felt much like my old self 24 hours later. Now all fingers and toes are crossed so that no one else is subjected to this vile bug.

We moms, and dads too, are tough, even if we are managing things from our perch on the couch!

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