Friday, July 27, 2012

A nocturnal visitor...

We had a visitor last night. I finally saw our resident owl!!

Starting last summer we have heard an owl hooting outside our bedroom window, and on more than one occasion he has woken us from sleep. We have seen glimpses, once he flew quite near and landed high up in a tree, but it was too dark to see him. But last night I took the dog out before bed and was admiring the evening and happened to look up at our garage and there he sat!

He looked pretty smug, so I dubbed him a he!

It was light enough out that when he swiveled his head around and looked at me I was able to see his big, round, yellow eyes! Then to top it off he swooped down and caught something in the grass before he flew off. What an amazing sight.

I did go in and research whether seeing an owl was considered a good or bad omen. It did depend on which website I found. According to it is believed that owls carry extreme healing powers in several Native American tribes. It is also thought that they can aid us in seeing through deception either in oneself or others. And in many cultures they are a symbol of wisdom. Even Winnie the Pooh had a wise old owl. Whatever you choose to believe this owl was a fantastic sight to behold and I hope he chooses to visit us often.

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1 comment:

  1. Owls are so amazing and you are very lucky to have seen your resident owl!
