Friday, November 2, 2012


Relationships come in all shapes and sizes.

Some are good and some leave a lot of room for improvement.

I am the older, dare I say wiser and better looking, elder to my younger sister. Growing up we fought as all siblings do, and manage to do occasionally even now. My husband is amazed that we can fight over the telephone, as she lives several states away. We talk almost daily, she is the only one who shared in our upbringing and is therefore the sole person who can commiserate about all the things families commiserate about!

I miss her like crazy and wished we could live closer, especially for the sake of my kids. But for the few times a year we do manage to get together, my children act like it was just yesterday that they saw her. Although my sister and her husband do not have children of their own, and just the sight of a poopy diaper makes her gag violently, she is the perfect aunt! I mean it isn't everyday your kids get a surprise box of Halloween goodies and within is a box of gummy boogers! Give me a poopy diaper anyway over that!

So relationships do come in every shape and form. As far as mine and my sister's goes, ours is as good as it gets, and that's just fine by me! This dose of sisterhood helps keep my world in balance.

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