Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A new home for our family...

Well, it has been a long time in coming but my husband and I are building a house. Not us personally of course, but we are forging forward to create and build a new home for our family.

I have found that it's one thing to say we want to build, and a totally different animal to actually execute this task. Several people I know would never undertake this challenge. A part of me believes we are a bit crazy, three kids a new dog and now a new house. But I want the satisfaction of trying to create something of our own, and then watching it come to life.

We have tried to involve our kids as much as we can in this process. We have been offering them the promise of picking out colors for their rooms, and dangling the idea of a play gym in front of their little noses.

Now comes the difficult part, the dreaded budget. It's ridiculously easy to get carried away on paper. This beautiful kitchen, complete with top-of-the-line this and that. This master bath with only the best of everything. But that reality is shattered faster than it takes to type this all up. Here comes that word again, budget.

While dreaming and creating is fun and a bit exhilarating, it's also tremendously humbling. One must also enter into the world of compromise. What style cabinet I may have my heart set on, my husband may not agree. What? Really? So you find yourself back to square one and starting over. We have been creating and working on this project for the better part of three years, and we have yet to have a hole in the ground to show for it. But soon, soon that rainbow wall may be a reality in my daughter's room! Soon we may see our dreams of creating a house that is all ours.

Then comes the easy part, making it into a home we all love.

Check out this link to learn about building and remodeling while keeping your sanity and your marriage intact.

1 comment:

  1. That's really exciting!! I have always dreamed of building a house with my husband but just finding land is the hard part.
