Wednesday, August 29, 2012

TRI Like a Mother!

I've done it now.
I've gone and committed myself to competing in a triathlon this weekend.

Ok granted, I am not doing all of the swim, bike and run, I'm competing as part of a relay team. I will be the one running, sweating and cursing, across the finish line.

My husband and I are traveling to our dear friends' town this Labor Day to visit and compete in this race.

My husband will be competing in his second tri, and I have been convinced to compete as well. I love the idea of doing any type of exercise, but I also like the idea of adequately preparing for it too!

Oh well, it will certainly be a character builder and I'm sure we will have a blast during the process. At least this is what I keep telling myself. Doing only the running part, I have the least to complain about anyway.

I was also assigned the task of coming up with our team name. Every cool team needs a name! Several options were presented "The Cold Turkeys," "Momshells," "Tri Ineffectas." But the overall winner is "TRI Like a Mother."

And you can bet I will!

Here is some training advice for busy moms.


  1. Excellent name! I'm doing a race this fall I think we will call our team " run like a mother"

  2. Thanks for the link to one of my articles. Best of luck with your training, and great looking blog!!
