Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Reading...from sparks to a flame?

I am an avid reader and have been my entire life.

I can remember learning to read in kindergarten and the words just making sense. My husband and I have always read to our kids, from newborn on up, every night, without many exceptions.

So I now find myself frustrated that our oldest is a very reluctant reader. I know that reading is not yet automatic or easy for him and he struggles with this. He loves to be read to, however. We take turns reading different chapter books to him and he's a fantastic, eager listener. But so far this has not translated to reading on his own.

We have just begun the first book in the Harry Potter series and he's totally hooked! I love seeing his face light up when we get to an exciting part! Someday, hopefully soon, I hope he will do the reading to me. I'm trying to keep the subject matter interesting and constantly try to show him just how wonderful books are. Maybe Mr. Potter will be the spark that finally lights the reading flame!

1 comment:

  1. I remember that I didn't like to read until I got into 3rd grade and had a teacher, Mrs. Ackermen, that totatly changed my view on books and reading. The book was The Polar Express and I was hooked on reading after she introduced that to us. Maybe with the start of a new school year, your son will find that one book(it sounds like he may have just found it) or have that one teacher to spark his interest too.
