Friday, August 10, 2012

Go team USA!

Anybody been glued to the Olympics these past couple of weeks? Any favorite events?

I happen to be in awe of the gymnasts, my palms get sweaty just watching them! I absolutely love watching beach volleyball, although part of me is envious of their 6' plus muscular bodies! Who can resist swimming and diving? If you have ever swam competively you know how phenomenal these athletes truly are! Maybe track, rowing, or cycling catches your eye?

Even if you are not an athlete or have never competed, it seems the Olympics has something for just about anyone. But I did just read from several friends on Facebook, that they have zero interest in watching and have never enjoyed the games! What? I guess I stand corrected, but really?

Oh well, I'll just cheer my for my fellow Americans a bit harder to make up for those who aren't!

Go team USA!

1 comment:

  1. I found the women's beach volley ball matches to be fascinating! The USA team of Misty May-Trainer and Kerri Walsh embody team work, strength,agility, experience, courage,strategy, and knowledge. How powerful to see women at the "top of their game".
