Tuesday, September 11, 2012

School lunch ideas for a fussy eater

We have successfully launched the 2012-2013 school year.

My kids have done remarkably well, going to bed at a reasonable time and waking up without much a fight in the morning! I think they were needing routine and structure as much as I was!

With the school year underway the lunchtime debate is back in full swing. My son has morphed into a fussy eater. I think it happened sometime during the terrible twos, and we are slowly trying to get him to expand his palate. Baby steps.

So with a child who refuses to eat meat on a sandwich, dislikes most school choices, I have made more than my fair share of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But I have already been told that he wants something "different" for his lunches. I really can't blame him!

I am trying to be more creative and still give him a relatively healthy lunch. I will take input at anytime from those of you in readerland. I try soup in a thermos, chili, cheese and crackers, mini pizzas on a bagel, boxes of cereal that can be eaten with his milk. We make Nutella sandwiches, to shake up the peanut butter once in a while.

I guess I rely on the philosophy that he'll eat when he's hungry and he may just discover that he actually enjoys beans and cauliflower. I can always dream.

I did and do look at websites often to try to find some inspiration for school lunches. The link below is just one of many, so if you find you are at all like me, don't despair. There are a lot of resources out there to help!

Click here for some brown bag lunch ideas...

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